
Our 375-year-long history


Our 375-year-long history


Sundvolden Hotel – a royal history:

It is impossible to know how long there has been an inn at Sundvollen. The first time we have definite information is in 1648. Marte Kroksund was reported to the governor by the bailiff because she had insulted people she rowed across the strait and because she had been drunk. She lived on a farm on the west side of Kroksundet, ran a tavern, and was a ferryman. She likely also offered lodging.

In 1788, the owner was Gaute Sundvollen, and that year the inn was recommended as an accommodation for travelers. It is also mentioned in a list from the sheriff that he had an inn and sold beer and spirits. Not many years later, in 1805, the Bergen royal road opened up to Kroksund. In 1811, the owner of Sundvollen, Ole Blyberg, received a royal permit to operate an inn on the farm. In addition to the traffic along the royal road, he also attracted tourists to Sundvollen.

Queen Desideria visited the place in 1825, and in 1832 her husband Charles III John also came. Their son Johan Blyberg took over in 1853 and further developed the hotel with his wife Olava Madsdatter Bye. He also received a royal visit when Charles IV visited Sundvolden in the 1860s. One of the several porcelain plates he gave to the staff as thanks still remains at the hotel. In 1885, the English Crown Prince, later Edward VII of Britain, stayed at Sundvolden. Then came Oscar II and Wilhelm II of Germany in 1891. In 1902, Sundvollen became a permanent stagecoach station. Haakon VII, Queen Maud, and Crown Prince Olav made the final royal visit during Johan Blyberg's time. The next generation, Ole Blyberg, took over in 1909. That same year, he built a new wing with a dining hall using materials from the recently demolished Sundvoll mill. In 1914, he also had a large, modern hotel building constructed on two floors on the south side of the old hotel. It later became known as "The Society." During his time, Haakon VII visited the hotel several times, including with Fridtjof Nansen.

The Lier Railway started with a boat route from Svangstrand near Sylling to Sundvollen pier in 1904. In 1910, Bennett's Travel Bureau also began a regular bus route between Kristiania and Sundvollen. This led to many people visiting the area to see the King's view and Krokkleiva, with Sundvolden Hotel being the natural place for accommodation. Between 1922-1923, Ole Blyberg built a new farmyard and buildings at Kroksundet.

After Ole Blyberg, several owners followed who only had the hotel for a short time. In 1932, Martin Hansen took over. He was a son of a cottager from Baskerud and a country trader. He ran it with his wife Johanne Birgine Hurum until his death in 1955. Their daughter Ruth Helgestad and her husband Alf Helgestad then took over. Alf Helgestad passed away in 1959, and she ran it alone until 1963. Arne Bergendahl Laeskogen then became a partner, and in 1965 he bought the hotel for 500,000 kroner. The hotel almost came to an end when Mobil Oil wanted to buy it to establish a large roadside service station with a gas station on the property. Arne Laeskogen married Bjørg Moe the following year, and they restored the very worn-down hotel. They managed to attract state authorities and the Oslo municipality as regular customers, and in 1972 they decided to implement conference facilities. Throughout the 1970s, the hotel was modernized, and by the 1980s, it became known as one of the country's top conference hotels. Their son Tord Moe Laeskogen took over in 2000 with his wife Cecilie Laeskogen. In 2007, the hotel became a member of De Historiske Hotell og Spisesteder (Historic Hotels and Restaurants). It received the Norwegian Working Environment Award in 2008. The hotel holds the Olavsrosa award and the Swan eco-label. The hotel has a total of 273 rooms and 525 beds. Sundvolden Hotel is located in the historical Hole Municipality in Viken. The home municipality of the four kings: Halfdan Svarte: Halfdan the Black lived in the 800s. He married Ragnhild, who was Sigurd Hjort's daughter. Sigurd Hjort was the owner of Stein farm at that time. The berserker Håke killed Sigurd Hjort and then kidnapped his daughter. Halfdan saved her, and they settled at Stein farm. Snorre writes that Halfdan the Black fell through the ice on Lake Randsfjorden after a visit to Hadeland. It is said that he was divided into 4 parts and placed around, his head is said to be on the so-called Halvdans haugen you can see next to Steinssletta. Investigations have been carried out on the mound, and it turns out that there is wood 3.80 to 4.1 meters below the surface. It is now being analyzed to determine if it consists of stable masses, what type of wood, and its dating. Harald Hårfagre: A king from this district. He lived from 860-933. He was the son of Halfdan the Black and Tyrne Klakk-Haraldsdotter from Jutland. He inherited his kingdom from his father when he was 10 years old. He systematically worked his way through our country, bringing each region under his control. He appointed earls to govern after him. He removed the freehold from the farmers, taxed and levied duties on each farm as he progressed. He died a natural death in Rogaland at the age of 83.

Sigurd Syr: He lived in the 10th century. He was a great-grandson of Harald Fairhair. He enjoyed working with the land, which was quite different from kings at that time. Later, he married Åsta Gudbrandsdotter, who was the mother of Olav the Holy.

Olav the Holy: Born in the late 10th century. His mother was Åsta and his father was Harald. He was a petty king in Vestfold. He had the ability to govern, unite, and organize, but also less admirable traits such as greed, wildness, cruelty, thirst for revenge, and a frivolous attitude towards women. He grew up on the estate of Sigurd Syr. He died in the Battle of Stiklestad in 1030.

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